Senior Spotlight: Anna Grace Franques
Name: Anna Grace Christina Franques
Grade Started at Ascension: Pre K-3
Favorite Teacher: Can’t choose
Favorite Ascension Memory: The whole experience
Future Plans: To go to college (she is not sure where yet) and major in undecided
Anna Grace Franques you might know her as Student Life Prefect, someone on the cheerleading team, the president of SADD, JC’s older sister, or just another one of the Franques’. Being the Student Life Prefect is more than just a title to Anna Grace; it’s a lifestyle. Anna Grace is the epitome of school spirit. On any given game day, you will see her standing outside of school bright and early, ready to pump you up with school spirit by screaming “Happy game day!” at you while you wander into school, wondering how she has this much energy at 7:30 in the morning. Having been at Ascension since Pre-K3, Anna Grace has been able to make a plethora of memories here at Ascension. She couldn’t possibly narrow any of them down to just one, but what she has liked most, and continues to like most, about Ascension is that we are all like one big family. She feels that she can come to school and not have to worry about if she has a place at school or if she is important because her classmates and her teachers make her feel wanted.
Besides being a die-hard Blue Gator, Anna Grace is also a great friend. She is passionate about her friends and family and is always doing something involving one if not both of those things. Anna Grace genuinely cares about every single one of her friends and is constantly checking in on them to make sure they are having a good day, and if not, what she can do to fix it. She has a lively spirit that can light up and room and you can almost always find her smiling or laughing. Anna Grace is just one of those people you can’t help but want to be around. I’ve had the privilege of going to school with her since kindergarten and have had the opportunity to grow up with and learn from her. Something her and I will never forget is the time in middle school when I knocked Anna Grace upside the head with a Vera Bradley lunch box and made her bleed on the bus. I completely freaked out and called her mom and apologized and like became an ER medic to stop the bleeding all before we got to East Bayou. It was a really small scratch above her eyebrow but at the time we both thought she was dying. Even though at the time, it felt like a whole tragedy, it started an inside joke between us that we still talk about to this day. I believe this incident really brought us together as friends and started a stronger friendship. Anna Grace isn’t fond of being the center of attention or being publicly praised, but let me tell you this girl is a one of a kind friend. She is selfless, smart, funny, kind, and so many other things that you couldn’t believe. She’s the kind of friend you hope to keep in touch with in college and long after high school is over. Anna Grace doesn’t know where she is going or what she is going to do in college, but I know whatever she does will be just as amazing as her.