Girl’s Soccer Senior Night

As some of you know, the girls soccer team beat Catholic High for the third time last night. At half time, both teams were tied 1-1. The second half continued, and the Gators pulled through with another goal. The girls finished with a close 2-1. Athletic Sydney Smith (junior) scored both of the girls’ goals, but LSU commit Sarah Beadle also did her part to help her team out offensively.

Not only did they have a great win, but it was also a night to highlight our seniors! There are six senior girls that played soccer this year: Sarah Beadle, Elizabeth Lee, Julia Doucet, Kristen Hebert, Sydnie Andrus and Emily Maron.  They were honored with a ceremony after the girl’s game ended. The team is ranked number one in our division, and our school cannot wait to see what the playoffs have in store.