Senior Spotlight: Blake Pearson

Name: Blake Pearson

Grade Started at Ascension: 7th

Favorite Teacher: Coach McCullough

Favorite Ascension Memory: Winning State Baseball Freshmen year

Future Plans: attending ULL and then go to Medical School

Blake has been attending Ascension since 7th grade. He has played both football and baseball since 8th grade. He has two siblings: his little sister Olivia in 8th grade and his little brother Hayden is in 7th grade. Most people do not know that he can’t snap with his fingers. His favorite quote is “Work now so you can play later”. He says “ I like this quote because if you work now, in the future you’ll be able to do the things you want to do.” His most favorite book is 1984 by George Orwell. His number one goal on his bucket list is to travel around the world. He plans to attend the University of Louisiana Lafayette in the fall, and later on, go to medical school.