And You’re Watching Disney Channel
The best time of the school year has finally arrived…Homecoming week! Homecoming looks a little bit different this year, but our class leaders have made it their mission to make this the best experience for us students. The theme this year is Disney Plus, which made it very easy for leadership to come up with super cute ideas to dress up as. I asked senior Claudia Jones her opinion on the theme this year and she responded, “I personally love the theme because I am a Disney fanatic, and I love everything Disney.”
On Monday, students got to dress up as iconic Disney characters. You might’ve seen the Sorrell family as characters of Gravity Falls. As senior Maddie Plunk said during her chapel talk, seeing all the students dressed up as characters that we grew up watching was definitely nostalgic. On Tuesday it was time for everyone to get their head in the game and wear our favorite sports jerseys. The theme for Wednesday is BEAR necessities, and when I asked junior Sophia Mury what she was planning on wearing, she said, “I am wearing an elephant onesie and I am so excited to be so cozy throughout the day.” Next is Heroes vs. Villains on Thursday and personally, I am curious to see what our student body can come up with. Finally, the last day of the week is class colors. The student body has really brought Disney to life this week and made homecoming this year very special.