It’s that time of year again! Homecoming season is right around the corner.
Each year, AES offers the opportunity for girls grades eight through twelve to be on the homecoming court. One girl from the eighth grade class, one girl from the freshmen class, two girls from the sophomore class, three girls from the junior class, and four girls from the senior class are chosen by their respected grades through a voting system.
The selection process begins with the girls filling out an application and presenting a resume. The girls also have to write a short essay on why they think they would be a good representative of the homecoming court. Members of the court should to be in good standings with the school and must be able to attend the tea/luncheon, the pep rally, the powder-puff football game, the bonfire, the Homecoming football game, and the homecoming dance on November 3.
During advisory, the students will vote on a representative for their grade level, as well as their choice of a senior girl to be the 2012 AES homecoming queen. The girls are chosen by 50 percent popular vote and 50 percent essay/resume score and will be announced on or before Wednesday, October 17.
If any girls are interested in being on the homecoming court, there are applications and sample resume’s at Ms. Boland’s desk. Girls must present their application, essay, and resume to the front office by 8:30 a.m on Friday, October 8. If there are any questions about the court or selection process, students can contact Mrs. Arabie.