During the month of March, Ascension Upper School is sponsoring three fundraisers for the school’s Lenten mission.
In the 1990s, Ascension Episcopal Church started participating in a Lenten mission to support the Batwa Pygmies of Uganda who have been displaced.
When asked how AES participates in this mission, Dr. Pitre replied, “We do so by participating in the “Reaching the Pygmies” ministry, which includes Epiphany Anglican School, and providing community services such as supplying a nurse.”
In April Father Charles, the priest in charge of the Batwa Anglican community, and his wife will be traveling to Lafayette and visiting the SMP campus to give an information session.
First, boys can pay $30 for Mustache March to go without shaving for a month. Next, all students can pay $30 to wear whichever shoes they wish. Students can turn in their money to either Ms. Arabie or Ms. Boland. Lastly, AES Upper School will be hosting a Fish Fry on March 30th at the SMP campus.
According to a brochure about the ministry, it “is an indigenous work conceived and directed by Christians from the East African Bakiga tribe in southwest Uganda.” In 2008, the “Ascension Wing” was opened and was named after Ascension Episcopal Church and Ascension Episcopal School due to the school’s generous donations.
“This is a great Lenten mission for AES,” said Dr. Pitre.