On Monday, Jan. 30, 10 students along with Ms. Fournet delivered more than 1,200 rolls of toilet paper and paper towels to the Children’s Shelters of Acadiana Youth, which house abused and neglected children ages two to 17.
For four days, advisories competed to bring the most toilet paper and/or paper towels, with the winning advisory receiving an ice cream party.
The students loaded up five cars with the donations and drove them to the Children’s Shelters office. The total donation created a mountainous pile in the Children’s Shelter office, leaving the coordinators amazed.
“This is the largest paper drive we’ve ever had,” said Sandi Degeyter of the Children’s Shelters. “Thank you so much!”
She was surprised that such a small school could provide the tremendous donation. Ms. Degeyter explained how important the contribution is. Each children’s shelter uses approximately 200 rolls of toilet paper and 30 rolls of paper towels each month. AES’s paper goods drive will keep them supplied for a few months.
The coordinators said that they would love for AES to have a future drive for laundry powder in the spring and are excited about what the school can do.