At least 15 hungry families will have turkey and all the trimmings on Thanksgiving because of the efforts of AES students and faculty.
Ascension students in grades 8 – 12 are sponsoring a food drive that will continue until Thursday, November 18. Each advisory is responsible for a non-perishable holiday food item to help make a Thanksgiving feast complete. For example, Mrs. Smith’s advisory is collecting instant mashed potatoes; Mr. Case’s advisory is responsible for yams, and Mrs. Renard’s advisees are gathering corn bread mix.
The food items can be placed in the designated areas in the library, Upper School Office, and advisory classrooms. Financial gifts may be placed in a marked envelope and sent to the Upper School Office.
On Tuesday, November 8th, Ascension had a “Pay to Dress Day” in order to raise money for turkeys to go along with the food items. Students could pay $3 to wear any AES spirit shirt with a uniform bottom, or $5 to wear complete “free dress”. Ascension was hoping to raise at least $300 and ended up raising $760, which is more than double that amount. Three hundred dollars will be used to purchase 15 turkeys for the 15 families, and the extra money will go towards purchasing more side items for the meals.
Once the food drive is over, the goods will be delivered to St. Anne’s Catholic Church in Youngsville on Friday, November 19th.
If more than enough food is raised, then the extra will be given to the church and dispersed amongst needy families.