Get pumped for homecoming week, September 27–October 2!
This year, everyday will bring a new activity. Also, students will be able to dress up each day according to a specific theme.
These activities will be for the entire campus (8th – 12th and faculty/staff) to participate. The activities will be mainly held outside under the new tent and in the green space.
The fun will begin on Monday with a watermelon-eating contest. On Tuesday, there will be a pie-eating contest. On Wednesday, there will be epic lava and “silly string” outside throughout the day, along with a Powder Puff football game.
Wondering what epic lava is?
“Those sophomores and their crazy ideas…” said Student Council President Rachelle Mosing. “You know how there are those random black squares in the classrooms? Well, we will be putting random black squares all over the school, inside and out. You are only allowed to step on the black squares. If you are caught not stepping on a black square, then you better watch out!”
As Rachelle explained, a silly-string lava flow awaits any student who steps off a black square.
On Thursday, there will be an archery contest, fun jump, and a bonfire that evening in SMP from 7-8:30 pm. Our last activity will be the pep rally on Friday, October 1.
Our homecoming game this year is against the Houma Christian Warriors. The theme for the week is “How BLUE are you!!” and the homecoming t-shirts will read “Welcome to the swamp ….. where we eat warriors!”
At the game, the Homecoming Queen will be crowned. The court was announced Friday and includes the following students: Seniors Lauren Graham, Rachelle Mosing, and Alex Smith; Juniors Noelle Delhomme, Ryan Gambel, and Erin Patin; Sophomores Carrie Grizzaffi, Laura Lee, and Anna Remondet, and Freshman Anna-Carlisle Campbell.
We will also begin hosting our annual door-decorating contest by advisories during homecoming week. Designs will be drawn on a single, flat sheet. The doors will be judged on Tuesday morning before school, so all doors must be finished by Monday afternoon.