On Thursday, Mrs. Futch’s Anatomy & Physiology class journeyed to Our Lady of Lourdes Lafayette Hospital for a full day tour and interactive experience. Arriving at the hospital at 7:45, we began to go through the introduction, expectations, and a prayer. We then learned about the history, mission and foundation of the hospital from those who have worked and been around the community of the hospital for a long time, and it was really interesting to hear their experience.
We then split up into two groups. First, we walked through the surgery rooms and viewed real time surgeries as well as going into an interactive, hands on simulation of what some of these surgeons do every day. Then the groups switched, and we then went on a tour of the hospital learning what each floor specializes in; starting in the hospital’s chapel, which is the heart of the building. The most fascinating part of the tour was learning about the burn unit that they have, as they are one of the few places in Louisiana that have one. After the tour, we took a lunch break and then had many presenters lecture us on the emergency room, burn unit, and speech/physical therapy more in depth, which finalized our day.
This was a very fun and educational experience about the medical field. Anyone who plans to take Anatomy & Physiology next year should really look forward to this field trip!