If you didn’t know, a group of students here at Ascension have formed a new band…The Slackers! The band consists of Miles Eldridge (11), Luke Falgout (12), Corinne Mendell (11), and Gavin Stewart (12). Their first performance was at the High School Battle of the Bands where they placed runner-up! They have many more performances coming up, such as this Saturday (March 1, 2025) at 5:00 pm at The Blue Moon Cafe and later in April at Festival International! I wanted to ask the band members to comment on some of their favorite things about The Slackers, and this is what they said:
- Mile Eldredge
- Miles Eldgrde’s favorite instrument to play is the guitar, and he said they are called The Slackers because they procrastinate. His favorite memory with the band is playing in the Battle of the Bands, and he is most excited to play at Festival International in the near future. His favorite song to perform is “Plush” by Stone Temple Pilots. He recalls the band being formed in his Freshman year music class and had no other comments.
- Luke Falgout
- Luke Falgout said that his favorite instrument to play is by far the guitar. When asked why they named their band The Slackers, he said “Because we don’t be practicing,” but his favorite memory with the band is, “Stay up late practicing and yelling at band mates.” His favorite song to perform is “Plush” by Stone Temple Pilots, and he is most excited to play at the Blue Moon in the near future. When asked if he had anything else to say, his comment was, “We just don’t be practicing and be underprepared fr.”
- Corinne Mendell
- Corinne Mendell also said that her favorite instrument to play is guitar although she also really enjoys playing the drums. When I asked her why she thought they named the band The Slackers, she said, “I’m pretty sure we were just trying to think of names, and we thought about how our first practice for Battle of the Bands was only 4 days away from it.” Her favorite memory is also just them joking around at any practice, and her favorite song to play is “Don’t Let Me Down” by the Beatles. She is most excited to play at Festival International and just perform anywhere with the Slackers in the near future. Her final comment was, “Come to Festival International April 26th!!”
- Gavin Stewart
- Gavin Stewart’s favorite instrument to play is also the guitar, and his favorite song to play is “Plush” by Stone Temple Pilots. He thinks that they have their name because they “slack off a lot.” He is most excited to play at Festival international in the near future. He recalls the band being formed because, “We all wanted to participate in the Battle of the Bands, so we made this band.” His final comment on the band was, “We are really good at slacking off, like really good at it, but we are also good at learning 10 songs in a week.”
This truly is such a fun group to watch, and you can tell how much they love performing with one another. Come out and support them this Saturday, March 1, at the Blue Moon Cafe! You will not regret it!