Name: Hope Wood
- Dream country to visit?
- What are 3 things you can’t live without?
Phone, aquaphor, Chick-fil-A
- What’s your current TV obsession?
Gilmore Girls
- How would your friends describe you?
“energetic, kind, funny”- Chloe
- What’s a movie that everyone should see?
Remember Me with Robert Pattinson
- What’s your favorite color?
Light blue
- What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?
Swam in a waterfall
- Beach or Mountains?
- Pancakes or Waffles?
- Morning or Night?
- Dr. Pepper or Coke?
- Chick-fil-A or Canes?
- Netflix or YouTube?
- Passenger princess or driver?
Passenger princess
- Song you can listen to on repeat?
“Colder Weather” – Zach Brown Band
- If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?
Sadie Crowell
- What is your favorite holiday?
- Favorite snack?
Chocolate Pop-Tarts
- What are your pet peeves?
Slow walkers
- What genre of music are you into?
All of them
- Who makes you laugh the most?
- Are you usually early or late?
- What’s your dream car?
- What takes up too much of your time?
My phone
- If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have?
Forensic psychologist
- What irrational fear do you have?
That the world will run out of fresh water
- What’s the best thing you got from your parents (physical/personality trait)?
My humor
- What would you do if you only had one day left?
Hang out with friends and family
- How often do you buy clothes?
Once a month
- Favorite thing to do during the summer?
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
- If you could completely get rid of one month out of the year, which month would it be?
- If you had to endorse a brand, which brand would it be?
Bauble Bar
- Who’s your celebrity crush?
Josh Hutcherson
- If you could raid anyone’s closet, who would it be?
Ella Grace Hebert
- What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I paint
- What’s your favorite game?
- What’s your favorite time of day?
- Style Icon?
Madeline White
- Where do you want to live in the future?
The Mountains
- What’s one condiment you put on everything?
- Who’s your favorite Disney princess?
- Favorite makeup product?
- Window or Aisle Seat?
Aisle on a bus, window on a plane
- Favorite App?
- Must-have a clothing item everyone should have?
Flare leggings
- Best advice you’d give your younger self?
Live, laugh, love
- What would you like to be remembered for?
Making people smile
- Best way to rest/decompress?
Sitting in the car
- What’s your go-to karaoke song?
“Valerie” by Amy Winehouse
- Diamonds or pearls?
- Drugstore or high-end makeup?
- Blow-dry or air-dry?
Air dry
- Pilates or yoga?
- What is something you can’t do but wish you could?
Raise one eyebrow or a backflip
- What’s your favorite nickname?
Hopey or Pope
- Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate
- Stairs or elevator?
- Winter or Spring?
60.Summer or Fall?
61.You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
Chick-fil-A sandwich
- A desert you don’t like?
Coconut pie
- What’s your favorite sea animal?
- Who’s your idol?
Chloe Schouestouest
- Best compliment you’ve ever received?
“I wish you could be my sister”
- Favorite perfume?
Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche
- If you were an animal, what would you be?
A rabbit
- What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
- Your go-to for having a good laugh?
TikTok slideshows
- Who is your role model?
Ella Grace and Noelle
- What’s your guilty pleasure?
Fake tanning
- Sweet or Savory?
- Favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip