Cornelia Fleur Dupre: Try everything, make friends with people you least expect to make friends with. Always choose your friends over a boyfriend/girlfriend. Try in school. Don’t have a mindset that you “can’t.” Do as many activities as you can with your grade, you will miss them. Don’t lose your parents’ trust, they will be there for you if you feel no one is. Don’t overstimulate yourself, give yourself breaks. Find a teacher that you trust. They can be your safe space. Try a new sport! Or a new club. PARTICIPATE! You won’t regret it. And most importantly, the four years fly by, so enjoy them.
Andrew Michael Duplechin: Get involved in everything because the four years go by quickly. Don’t be afraid to try a new sport and be open minded. Don’t overestimate an AP or DE class because it won’t be that hard.
Henry August Neusetzer: Keep your eyes on the road, keep living, L I V I N. Sleep isn’t that important if there’s fun stuff to do. Don’t fail out.