- What is your favorite color? Blue
- Where is somewhere you want to travel? Canada
- Day or night? Night
- If you could be one person for a day who would it be? Alex Caillier
- What is your favorite school subject? Math
- What is your go to fast food restaurant? Cane’s
- What is your favorite TV show? Tulsa King
- What is your favorite thing to do on the weekdays? Workout
- If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would change? Nothing
- Cats or dogs? Dogs
- What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Take a shower
- Where is your favorite place to be? Bed
- What’s your favorite sport to watch or play? Baseball
- What’s your favorite movie? 8 Seconds
- What is a bad habit of yours? Biting my nails
- What is your favorite smell? Vanilla
- Biggest pet peeve? Not covering your mouth when you sneeze
- What is your dream car? F250 Trimmer
- What is something you can’t live without? My parents
- What’s your biggest strength? My big heart
- If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be? Lebron James
- What’s the biggest compliment you’ve ever received? That I am gifted. Mrs. Hall wrote this on my report card.
- Sweet or savory? Savory
- What song can you listen to on repeat? “Dirt cheap”by Cody Johnson
- What’s something most people don’t know about you? I have webbed toes
- What are 3 things you can live without? My bed, food, and water
- Define yourself in 3 words? Very intelligent man
- What is your favorite piece of clothing you own? My sitka jacket
- Best piece of advice you have received? Today is the first day of the rest of your life – Coach McCullough
- What’s your favorite food? Fried chicken
- What’s your favorite binge worthy snack? Bbq potato chips
- What’s your favorite exercise? Bench press
- What’s something you are looking forward to? Graduation
- What makes you angry? People on the road
- Jeans or sweatpants? Jeans
- What’s your spirit animal? Racoon
- What’s your favorite hobby? Mowing the grass
- Introvert or extravert? Extravert
- What is your dream job? Owning a business
- What’s a cause that is important to you? St. Judes
- What is your favorite trait about yourself? My kindness
- What superpower would you want to have? Teleportation
- If you got a million dollars what us the first thing you would buy? A truck
- Shoes or slippers? Slippers
- Hot or cold? Cold
- What’s the best thing to happen to you this month? Nunu’s chicken fried steak
- What’s your favorite dessert? Brownies
- If you could move anywhere in the world where would it be? Oklahoma
- Who pushes you the most? Susen Brown
- What is something you are good at? School
- Who is someone you look up to? Michael Jordan
- What’s your biggest fear? Heights
- What would you do if school got canceled? Sleep in
- If you were a rapper what would your rapper name be? Young Mowa
- What’s your favorite holiday? Mardi Gras
- What is the last book you read? “I don’t remember”
- What movie makes you laugh until you cry? The Hangover
- Least favorite color? Yellow
- If you could master one instrument, what would it be? Guitar
- Scary movie or funny movie? Funny
- Tik tok or instagram? Instagram
- What is the best gift you have ever received? Life
- What is the best gift you have ever given someone? My presence
- What’s the weirdest word in the english language? Weird
- If you could name yourself what would it be? Daniel
- Favorite drink? Arnold Palmer
- Favorite teacher? Mrs. Durke
- Favorite artist? Wayne Toups
- Favorite trip you’ve ever gone on? Lake Cumberland
- Favorite clothing brand? Local boy
- If you could buy any company what would it be? Amazon
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years? A rich young man
- If you could be any mythical creature what would it be? Dragon
73 Questions with Evan Brown
About the Contributor

ryan simon, Staff Writer
Hi everyone!! My name is Ryan Simon, and I’m so excited for this school year! I have been at Ascension for 15 years, and I participate in the volleyball and tennis teams. This is my first year in journalism, and I am beyond excited for this year and to be able to work with the amazing team we have. I am currently a senior, and I am in the SADD club. I enjoy hanging out with friends, and I am always down for trying new things!!