Name: Michael Echelard
Grade Started At Ascension: Pre-K 3
Favorite Teacher: Reverend Kennedy
Favorite Ascension Memory: He doesn’t have one!
Future Plans: He is undecided on a University and Major.
When it comes to extracurricular activities outside of school, Michael enjoys showing his support at Ascension Basketball and Football games! While at Ascension, Michael has been a part of the Chess Club and is an Alpha Omega. When asked what he is most excited about for this year, he said that he’s excited to graduate. Some hobbies outside of school include hanging out with friends, playing video games, and just relaxing at home. When asked who his mentor is, he said himself because he loves himself. His favorite thing about Ascension is the tight-knit community and the culture. When asked to give some advice to the underclassmen, he said to live in the moment and become friends with everyone because you won’t regret it.