Memories of Journalism

Journalism has a special place in my heart. I am the only junior in the journalism class; everyone else is a senior. As graduation is approaching, I will miss my journalism team. For old time’s sake, I will be recalling fond memories of the class.

  1. When Olivia snuck her hamster, named Pumpkin, into journalism class as a hamster ball, Mr. Shome did not realize Pumpkin was in the class. He thought Pumpkin was amazing when he eventually saw him. It was #boomfetch!!! 


  1. Another fond memory is when the whole journalism class participated in the pros and cons of me becoming a nun on the whiteboard. Needless to say, the cons outweighed the pros. 


  1. Whenever it was my birthday, Greta was oh so kind to make me a nun cake as Olivia and Greta are devout believers that I should become a nun.


  1. Ella and Mr. Shome arguing about the number of exclamation points on GO BLUE GATORS!!! Mr. Shome loves them, but Ella restricts them.


  1. I love to watch Olivia watch Love Island while Mr. Shome tries to get her attention to ask her a question about the yearbook, but she can never hear him. 


  1. Listening to Mr. Shome compare journalism and math for Aubrey’s interview. 


  1. Buying too many McDonald’s cookies in the morning for journalism class and making Greta eat the excess. 


  1. Listening to Mr. Shome talk about chicken wings–he makes them sound as good as gold. 


  1. Ana using a quote from Mr Shome for her senior quote. 


  1. Ella obliterating my articles (including this one) with grammar corrections because I can’t spell to save my life; Grammarly can only do so much. 


  1. Whenever Mr. Shome talks about the singers Bull Pit and T Swifty Swift.