Senior Spotlight: Sam Cook

Senior Spotlight: Sam Cook


Name: Samuel Cook

Grade Started at Ascension: 7th grade

Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Robert

Favorite Ascension Memory: The Junior Trip

Future Plans: To go into cyber security along with being a pastor. 

Sam is a member of the powerlifting team. He has been the Beta President, Head Videographer for the varsity football team, member of Spiritual Life, Community Service class leader, varsity boys soccer clock manager, and Announcement Coordinator. He has been a member of the chess and gaming team. In his free time, he enjoys working out, hanging out with friends and family, serving at church and playing board games.  A fun fact about Sam is that he was rear ended by a car during driver’s ed. His advice to younger classmen is “Be yourself and trust in God. He is guiding your path and He wants what is best for you. He truly loved you and will always be there for you, even when it feels like He is not. “