A Deep Dive into Swimming
I can guarantee that the majority of you reading this aren’t very interested in swimming. It’s not something that you waste your time thinking about, and it’s definitely not the first sport that comes to your mind. Nonetheless, Ascension’s high school swim team is one of the most successful sports teams at SMP. Over the past 4 years, they have placed within the top 3 at State every year, placing 3rd in 2021, 2nd in 2019, and winning State in 2018 and 2020.
The high school swim season has officially begun, with the team’s first meet having been this Tuesday, and the team would absolutely love to see their peers as spectators at their meets. Come cheer us on! As a member of the swim team, I can tell you that having unexpected support from fellow students means the world to us and truly makes us want to compete better. One student, senior Madeleine Sorrell, said, “It was really fun to watch a sport that is so completely different from anything I’m used to seeing. I loved watching everyone race and cheering them on, and I would love to watch a meet again!” Another spectator, former Ascension student Nyah Mitchell, attended a swim meet for the first time a few years ago. When asked about it, she said, “I had a great time at the swim meet I went to! It was such a great experience, and I would love to go and see another one. Honestly, swimming is a true sport because I have no idea how y’all swim for that long! I really did love seeing you swim, and I was in complete awe on how y’all could even compete like that. I think everyone should go to a swim meet at least once in their life because it is truly an amazing experience, and it gave me a new respect for a sport other than my own.”
If you’d like to come out and support our Blue Gator swimmers, make sure to watch out for the next meet. The team’s upcoming meets are September 20, October 4, and October 18 at 5:50 p.m. District will be November 1, Regionals will be on November 5, and State takes place in Sulphur on November 15 and 16. All meets, except the State Meet, will be at the Robichaux Center. If you find yourself free on any of these dates, take a few hours to come and support your classmates! I can guarantee that your interest will be deeply appreciated! Go Blue Gators!