Places To Dine For Senior Lunch
During the second semester, it has always been a tradition for Ascension seniors to leave for lunch. If a senior has AAA before or after lunch, they can leave 10 minutes early or come back late. Youngsville has grown and there are so many more options for food. Restaurants with drive-thrus close to school are Sonic, Twins, CCs, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Dominos, and Huya. Restaurants that you have to go into are Rotolo’s, Subway, Lit Pizza, Vibe, Agave, and Zeus. In addition, Rouses has a bunch of different kinds of foods that you can pick up. I interviewed some of our seniors, and they gave me feedback on their favorite places to eat during school lunch. Kelly Vigé and Emily Dore love to go to Sonic and get the Popcorn Chicken with fries. Katherine Voigt and Maggie Huffman enjoy going to Zeus and getting the Chicken Shawarma plate. Gracie Gage and Grace Fontenot like to go to Subway and get their favorite sandwiches. Lily Franques loves to go to Lit Pizza to get the Easy Caprese sandwich. Avery LeBlanc likes to go to CCs to get an iced white mocha coffee. Caroline Novak was able to leave early for lunch and she had enough time to go to Tropical Smoothie to get the Chicken Pesto Panini. Personally, my favorite is going to Twins to get the Chicken Sandwich. I can say for myself and for the other seniors that we are glad to have this privilege.