Senior Spotlight: Amelia Crouchet

Name: Amelia Crouchet 

Grade Started at Ascension: Pre-K 

Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Poynot 

Favorite Ascension Memory: Mr. Jones’ sick rap battle for the teacher challenge 

Future Plans: I plan to attend Louisiana State University in the fall of 2022 to study Biology. After that, I plan to attend Dental School and continue to become an Endodontist. 

Amelia Crouchet has been a student at Ascension since Pre-K. While at Ascension, she has been a part of the volleyball and soccer teams. Amelia has also participated in Beads For Needs, Cupcakes For Causes, the Crochet Club, and the Ukulele Club while at Ascension. Along with all of these sports and clubs, Amelia is also involved with Young Life and other camps. She is currently in Beta Club and the National Honors Society. In her free time, Amelia enjoys spending time with her friends and family, reading, lifting at the gym, and traveling. A fun fact about Amelia is that goes skiing in Angel Fire every year during Christmas with her extended family.