Senior Spotlight: Olivia Lorraine Bradley
Name: Olivia Lorraine Bradley
Grade Started at Ascension: 5th
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Emily Bourque
Favorite Ascension Memory: Mr. Rex Jones busting it during our Gator Cup games.
Future Plans: Olivia aspires to attend Louisiana State University starting in the fall of 2022 and intends on majoring in Kinesiology. She has high hopes of launching her very own physical therapy practice one day!
Olivia Bradley came to Ascension Episcopal School from Chicago, Illinois, so Ascension quickly became her new home, where she created life-long friendships. While here at Ascension, Olivia has been a participant of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), YoungLife, and Cupcakes for Causes. She was also inducted into Beta Club and the National Honor Society. Additionally, she is the Senior Arts Class Leader, and has been a four-year contributor to the Varsity Cheer Squad, along with being their co-captain. Olivia says that “the co-captain position has taught me a lot about priorities and responsibilities, but most importantly, made me feel a part of a family.” Also, Olivia speaks out about how her mother, Stephanie Breaux Bradley, is her inspiration and role model because “she taught me to put situations that are out of my control in God’s hands and to be strong even when times get tough.”