Senior Spotlight: Catherine Grace Poole
Name: Catherine Grace Poole
Grade Started at Ascension: Pre-K 3
Favorite Teacher: Coach McCullough
Favorite Ascension Memory: When Mr. Rex Jones bit the dust in our Gator Cup games, not once but twice!
Future Plans: Catherine will attend the University of Louisiana starting in the fall of 2022 and intends on majoring in social work. She has high hopes of launching her very own practice one day!
Catherine Poole has been a participant of Food Club, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), Younglife, and she has been a four-year contributor to the Varsity Cheer Squad. Catherine adores supporting the Blue Gators, which is why she ultimately opted to cheer originally. Even though cheerleaders only rally for football during the fall, Catherine continues to exhibit her school spirit by attending all of the baseball, basketball, soccer, and volleyball games. Something you may not know about Catherine is that she’s been at Ascension since Pre-K 3. She grew up at the little red school and then transitioned into her elementary and middle school days at the downtown campus. She’s flourished here at the Sugar Mill Pond campus and is savoring her last few moments here, in high school. Catherine’s advice for the underclassmen would be to “Cherish every split second of high school. It’ll be the four greatest years of your life and will be gone in a New York minute, so have a good time and make the most of it!”