The Faith Drive Project
Faith means having complete trust in someone or something. This is what the Faith House represents. The Faith House is a shelter for homeless women and women are victims of domestic violence. What started as a project that hosted 28 beds and reluctantly turned women away because of space became a house that now hosts 45 beds and six other “extended services” in other parishes. The Faith House is seen as a beacon of hope and light. This beacon is what drew Ava Breaux, a senior at Ascension Episcopal to partnering with the Faith House by running a Faith Drive.
As long as Ava can remember, she has always wanted to help people. When you talk to her friends, people like senior Isabelle Beaullieu, for example, they describe her as driven, brave, and genuine. Ava’s true passion is helping people and chasing that feeling of “knowing I made someone happy”. She pushes herself to the limit, being in everyone’s corner, supporting them in every endeavor that they find are passionate to them. She is in the passenger seat of everyone’s car. She prides herself on “being there for everyone whether she knows them or not”. She is always finding ways to help people, and this year, she found herself yearning to help battered and homeless women through the Faith Drive.
The Faith Drive is a way to inform kids about domestic abuse, but also a way to raise money and collect supplies for Faith House. The Faith House is a shelter, and “a shelter needs paper plates, cups, utensils, and other things like that.” Ava Breaux says, “I figured this donation drive would help fill a little of Faith House’s necessary needs that most people wouldn’t realize” Ava had always heard of the Faith House, but never partnered with them because she was always busy with other things, but this year she “followed on her gut feeling” and got in contact with the Faith House. Ava believes that bringing the donation drive to school will help inform people, and she knew doing it through the school would help her accomplish her mission. She feels that not only will donating impact the women receiving these gifts, but Ava thinks that this project will impact students at Ascension as well. Ava hopes that donating will help Ascension staff and students to reach out and help others more because “it is so easy to get caught up in our own life and think we have it so bad, when in reality there are others who have it ten times worse”. To the community of Ascension, donating the smallest thing could leave the biggest effect on the women you are giving to. If you have any questions about donating please email Ava Breaux at [email protected] .