Alexa Play Drowning (feat. Ascension Swim Team)

Here’s something most people may not know or hear a lot about: our swim team! The swim team kicked off their season with the first meet back in September, and has brought home many victories and have even broken a few league records throughout the entire season.  

As the regular season ended, district championships, and regionals started right up. During the district meet seniors, Jillian Barczyk, Grace Sheets, Ella Sheets, Carter Dooley, and Ben Tyrel were presented and congratulated for ya know like not drowning during all of their years as swimmers. The team won the district champion title in girls, boys, and overall. A few days days after that meet most of the team competed in the regional meet, which included the top 24 swimmers in each event.  Throughout the meet Senior, Grace Sheets said, “y’all I’m so sad this is my last time swimming in this pool, and state will be my last time swimming ever”, reminded everyone about how much we’re going to miss these seniors next season.

Next Wednesday and Thursday the team will dive right in it the state meet in Sulfur. If plan on attending this meet expect to see some great races, individual victories, and maybe even watch the team bring home the state championship. If you aren’t planning on going, I really don’t see why not I mean it’s a free day off of school. Sophomore Jack Aldridge says, “Everyone should come out and support it’s going to be great!”  So, come out and watch us kick the competition out of the water!