Senior Spotlight: Elise Juneau

Name: Elise Juneau

Grade started at Ascension: 2nd grade with Mrs. Hern

Favorite teacher at Ascension: “Coach Whitt because he has shown me life lessons on and of the field.”

Future Plans: to attend LSU or UL and major in business and graphic design

asked Elise a few questions…

Favorite Ascension memory: when Paul Quick brought the entire school to get froyo

Random facts about Elise: “I can jump through my leg”

Favorite vine: the croissant vine

If you could live in a meme, which one would you live in and why? moth meme

What is one thing on your bucket list? skydiving

Who would you want to live like for a day? Princess Belle

Who would play you in the movie of your life? Emma Watson

What do you think is the greatest invention of all time? the microwave

If you could choose one person to be stuck on a deserted island with, who would it be and why? “Eric Vanbergen because he knows his stuff”