Painting the Swamp PINK
As we all know, October is known to be a very spooky and scary month, but this Friday all of those theories will change. Blue Gator Nation will be “Pretty in PINK”!
The month of October is recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), which is an annual campaign to raise awareness about the specific disease. To promote awareness for breast cancer, the theme for the football game will be a “PINK OUT”. The stands will be packed with all different shades and colors of pink supporting the fighters and the survivors of breast cancer. The sights at the game are always amazing, from the cheerleaders pink pom poms, to the faces painted pink, and the players’ pink socks.
Spirit ribbons have been a tradition at Ascension ever since I can remember. The SMP cheerleaders sell ribbons to promote the theme of home games. This game, the proceeds from the spirit ribbon sales will be donated to the Miles Perret Cancer Services to help and support the fighters and survivors. The ribbons will be a bright neon pink, and will help to promote the theme for Friday’s game.
Students are thrilled and can not wait for the pink game. “I’m super excited for the pink game! I love the pink theme the most since it supports breast cancer, and it helps that my favorite color is pink too!” says junior Annlouise Babineaux. Friday night’s game will be a nail-biter against Catholic High. The stands will be packed with loyal fans ready to cheer on our boys for another victory. Freshman Grace Roy is very excited for the pink out game, and says “It’s one of my favorite themes and my favorite color! It’s fun seeing all the crazy stuff everyone is decked out in, and screaming chants from the stands, is definitely the best part.”
Make sure to come all “pretty in pink” and help us cheer on the Blue Gators as they take on Catholic High!