Prom 2017

Ascension seniors and juniors are preparing to attend prom at Le Triomphe this Saturday, April 8th. The theme for prom this year is masquerade, and people are encouraged to wear masks. Most of the senior girls will be wearing white dresses. It is a tradition for all senior girls to wear white dresses to prom, as it is their last high school dance. This year, most of the senior boys are going rogue and wearing different color tuxes.

Prom will start at 8 o’clock on Saturday evening and will end at 10:30, and there will be a lot of music and dancing. At some point during the evening one senior girl and one senior guy will be awarded with the Mr. and Miss Ascension award. This award is “a male and female senior who best exemplify Ascension Episcopal’s tenants of being gentle, generous, truthful, kind, and brave. They are positive role models and demonstrate outstanding Blue Gator Spirit.”

Prom is sure to be a fun time for everyone attending!