SUPER Sweet 16

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On this past Saturday, March 18, the sophomore girls of Ascension Episcopal School celebrated their sweet 16. The girls, along with their mothers, have been planning this event for months now. Sydney Ortego says, “I was excited to put on my own dress, but also to see everyone else’s. Everyone is individually so unique and that was truly shown.” On Friday morning, the girls had a breakfast celebration at Catherine Zaunbrecher’s house. The girls had cute sweet treats, biscuits, and coffee. The girls also took pictures in their sweet 16 shirts, then got to have a gracious late start to school that day.
The sweet 16 event took place at Abacus on the edge of the Oil Center. The event was decorated with beautiful lights and elegant decorations to go along with the theme of “Walking on a Dream”. The presentation took place in a room set out with chairs and an aisle in the shape of a runway for the girls to walk down and strut their beautiful selves and dresses. Their attire was formal white gowns, and everyone’s dresses were unique and elegant. Afterwards, they held a dance in an area with a ceiling full of lights along with a dining hall for everyone to enjoy. They had an astonishing backdrop for photographs and an adorable, pink dessert table filled with sweet treats. The post presentation party was filled with laughter, dancing, and fun! The event was truly amazing and all of the girls looked wonderful. The night was definitely SWEET!