International Day

One of the unique things about Ascension is that one day each year, we all gather in the gym, play fun games, and eat great food originating from all over the world. This day is International Day. Every student who takes a foreign language is required to bring in a dish from a chosen country, create a flag, and do one other small research project. Once all of these tasks are completed, teachers and volunteers spend hours decorating and preparing the gym for every student to come eat and have a good time.
Most people enjoy the food aspect of this day. However, this year, Ascension hired a mariachi band to play music while students ate, and it was a hit! Jillian Blackburn, transfer from St. Thomas More, enjoyed the day as a whole, including the shortened class periods and the fact that she did not have to worry about bringing a lunch. However, she did not like the new ticket system that we did this year: “the whole ticket thing was just really difficult and confusing”. This was new to all students and seemed to be a little unorganized. Each year, things change for the better and hopefully in the years to come, International Day at Ascension will continue to get better and more enjoyable for all.