What is Young Life?

What is Young Life? The Young Life organization defines itself as, “a non-denominational Christian ministry that reaches out to adolescents through volunteers, staff, club meetings, and camps.”

More importantly, what does Young Life mean for us at Ascension? I think Young Life is a way for us to bond with each other through Christ. It gives us a chance to take a break from hectic and sometimes stressful high school life to build friendships and talk about what is really important in life.

One way to get to involved in Young Life is through club nights, which are usually held every other Monday night with both boys and girls. Club nights are dedicated to singing songs, playing fun games, and reflecting on how the Bible ties to true life events. We play fun and exciting games that mirror the adventure that is a full life with Jesus. Toward the end, one of the leaders shares a personal story and what Jesus has placed on their heart.

Another way to get involved is through Campaigners, which is offered on the Monday nights that do not have Club. Campaigners is also called “Womanpaigners” and “Manpaigners” because boys and girls attend separate gatherings. Campaigners is different from Club in that we take that time to have deep conversations about our faith and our personal lives. It reminds us of God’s unconditional love for each and every one of us no matter who we are.

Through Ascension, we can also attend one of the many Young Life camps that give us the ability to travel, experience adventure, create unforgettable memories in a faith-filled environment. Young Life camp is known for being the “best week of your life.” From experience, I agree. Even though Ascension only lets you go two summers in a row, there are other ways to stay involved during high school and after. I encourage you to attend camp not only for what it brings during that week, but for the long-lasting, positive impact it can have on your life.

For me, my Young Life leaders have greatly impacted my life and have become mentors for me personally and spiritually. I hope that by sharing my thoughts I have inspired you to get involved with Young Life. It may seem intimidating, but it’s worth the effort and the impact that discovering how fun life with Jesus is.