Ascension Mission Trip

When the recent flood hit our community, many of the Ascension students and faculty helped our families and friends recover. The event reminded me that many people across the world need help…and not just after unexpected events like the flood, but all of the time. If you feel good about helping others, you should consider signing up for the next Ascension mission trip.

Speaking from experience, serving as a missionary can be life changing. First, traveling with friends is fun and creates great memories. Second, seeing a new country is always exciting and exposes us to different people, food, lifestyles and cultures. Third and most importantly, helping people who have so little is very rewarding. While we only go for a week, the work we do really makes a difference.

Last year, we helped the people of Puerto Rico with the basic things we take for granted, like housing, clothing, food and education. My favorite part of the entire trip was going visit the children at school. We were totally surprised and amazed when some of the children shared their Valentine’s candy with us. Instead of us teaching them, they taught us what generosity is all about.

Because the mission is usually scheduled over Mardi Gras break, some people may not want to miss out on Mardi Gras festivities. However, I encourage you to sacrifice a little to gain much. We will likely never see those same children again, but I hope they remember that we cared and remember us when they need strength and hope. My experience in Puerto Rico was filled with laughter, joy, and a very rewarding feeling of helping others.