Christmas with the Caswells
This upcoming Christmas season, I can’t wait to spend time with my family and friends. Every year, my mom’s extended family comes in from Houston, Texas. On Christmas Eve, we spend time with family, eating, playing games, and opening presents. However, on Christmas Day, we spend time with my dad’s extended family. All of them live in Lafayette, so they come to my dad’s house. We have a family lunch, then the grandkids usually go outside to play football or soccer. From my past Christmases, my favorite Christmas gift was an Apple watch from my Gammie. This year I asked for items that I will most likely need for college.
After Christmas, I will be going to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. My dad bought two cabins there so that we could spend time with our immediate family. There, we will look at the Christmas lights displayed around town, and we will also visit the local shops, go horseback riding and zip-lining, view the Gatlinburg Space Needle, and so on. I’ve never been so I’m excited to go. I hope everyone has an exciting Christmas break and Merry Christmas!