We Love The Walkers

Recently, Ascension received some news that has been hard to comprehend. Joey and Claire Walker are moving to California next year. These two have made an impact on our school that will forever be remembered. They taught and showed everyone that bonding and being active in the student’s lives is just as important as their education. They are both YoungLife leaders, which helped them bond with everyone, but you never really hear of this big of an upset about a Dean of Students and a teacher leaving. This just shows how much they mean to us.

Claire Walker is a physics teacher here at Ascension. Many have said how hard and stressful her class is but also say that she is one of the best teachers they have ever had. Mrs. Walker has made a huge impact on many student’s lives. When you have a stressful day, a good day or even just an average day, she is there if you want to chat. She listens to you and she gives the best advice. Seniors Carolina Cordova and Grace Hill said, “Mrs. Walker is one of the most selfless people we know because she always gives up her time to help others whether it be with their faith, physics or anything going on in their life.” They said it perfectly. Mrs. Walker is a beautiful person inside and out who will forever be remembered here at Ascension.

Joey Walker is our Dean of Students. Most students at other schools are not huge fans of their Dean of Students, but not us. Mr. Walker made going to school a little less stressful and a little more relaxed. He is always greeting you with a huge smile in the morning and is always up for a chat. He and his wife are a lot alike when it comes to giving advice and talking to the students. Mr. Walker has made a huge impact on a lot of the Ascension boys. Junior Brooks Whittington said, “He brought so much happiness into my life. I am really going to miss having him here to talk to all the time.” Besides being the amazing Dean of Students he is, he was an even better mentor/role model/advice giver. He has made a mark on Ascension that will never be forgotten.

And there you have it, a little something to remember and cherish about the loving Walkers! They have been the face of Ascension for many years. We are all going to miss them more than anything, but we are blessed to have had the time we did with them at our school.