Along with being a month famous for its tricks and treats, October is also National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I know we’ve all seen the pink ribbons around, but what else do we know about breast cancer? Here are some quick facts according to
- 1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their lives.
- Last year, there was an estimated 290,000 women who developed breast cancer.
- This year, it’s believed that there may be around 300,000 cases.
- There are typically around 2,140 men who are diagnosed each year.
- Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer among American women.
- Death rates of breast cancer are higher than any other cancer, except for lung cancer.
So how can you help out? Get involved! Many people know of the disease already, but it’s the protection and prevention that needs awareness.
Women should get regularly checked for any signs of breast cancer, especially as they get older. Early detection is the key to successful treatment of breast cancer.
Another way to get involved is to join or host a fundraiser. There are several organizations that hold fundraisers and send the proceeds to breast cancer research and awareness foundations. Some of the biggest organizations are Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Prevent Cancer Foundation, Men Against Breast Cancer, and the American Cancer Society.
So, whether it’s competing in a Race for the Cure marathon, hosting a fun-filled fundraiser, or simply taking the precautionary steps to preventing breast cancer, each activity towards the awareness of breast cancer is a step towards progress for many people affected by breast cancer.